Toolkit for Non-Profit Organisations
Why was this toolkit developed?
Well, let me start by being very honest, this toolkit was developed because I wish I had one when I started working at a new NPO many years ago. When you walk into a new position and there is no basic training on where to go and what to do, you learn the hard way.
I feel that this toolkit is necessary to help people along the way to understand the dynamics of running a NPO and also the best way to start a new initiative.
This toolkit however is not a must do document, it is a guiding document to help you grow from one aspect to the other. Some of the material might seem impossible at first, but that is actually a good thing. What would be the point of reaching for the stars when they are not even further than the roof?
See this document then as a guiding star, a document which you will be able to use through all your stages of development. You must understand that the chances are that you will not be able to necessarily achieve all of it at once. That was not the intention of this document. I hope that the value you will get out of it will be worth the effort of making it your own.
May you always strive to improve yourself and your organisation on the journey of growth. In the end the success of your NPO depends on your success as a leader, whether you are a volunteer or a paid staff person.
Good luck and may this document help you to achieve what you never dreamt you could.
- Veronica Cronje
- Executive Director
- Lusa Community Chest